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Hey, I’m


Pythonista / Data Analyst / Future AI Engineer

About Me

I'm a simple person but tryna' escape from it. because where's fun in that? ;) 
I'm a software developer(yet a beginner) by profession, an autodidact by personality and a curiosity hunter. i am a dreamer and doer. My role models are sir Alan Turing (also known as the Father of Computer Science), Leonardo da Vinci (you know who he is). I really admire all those entrepreneurs who risked their lives for their dreams.



Wait! Where are you going? Don't think i'm just a boring geeky nerd. that's not all.. i may be an engineer by day but everything else by night.. welcome to my website..




Few personality Traits of mine..

my imagination.jpeg


"My friends said i'm good with computers. And i believe my deep imagination abilities is what lead me to the understanding of the core concepts of computer sciences and computer engineering. thanks to it!




As the saying goes “Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.”, Most of the knowledge i acquired is with the help of Books and Internet. i purposely seeks out opportunities to learn and wouldn't think twice to dive deep into a subject which i think is really matters.







I strongly believe that true education doesn't happen simply by putting information in our brains.




"The Cure for Boredom Is Curiosity. There Is No Cure for Curiosity"

This applies to me pretty much.


My thoughts on success

Before talking about "my thoughts on success" one last important thing about my characteristics I like you to know is Creativity. I purposely didn't mention it because its easier said than done right? :)

Take this website for example. To be honest I'm not skillful enough yet. I have an archive of cool ideas waiting for me to make 'em a reality. I'm working on it continuously. Practise is the key. All I need is time. And one day when I acquire all those skills to create a prototype I will show the world how creative and worthy I am. And from your end, all I need is your love and support. Yes you!

We all wants to be successful. its a pursuit. but is success overrated? Yes and No. One should really understand that if you are not feeling enough with present success and trying to reach new heights is completely fine but don't be greedy or compare yourself with others it will only give you misery and steal your peace of mind. And wishing others' success is important too. why? just put yourself into their shoes and think.

My Mantra for success

Ok, now the question is how to be successful?
The core key to be successful is Respect. Yeah, you heard it right. ok before narrowing it down. try to take a pause and think about my question, let's see if you can answer it. we very well know india as an IT hub but despite the fact 
why do you think is there a situation in such a way that having a huge amount of software engineer population in our country yet there is only a tiny amount of innovation?

Now that's what I call Quantity vs Quality. and that's why many places like America and Japan are making a difference those are once used to be just science fiction. we should admit it and need to respect them, admire them and if possible praise them to let others be aware of their achievements and contributions to the world. those who agree how great there are, be thankful to them without any ego are the Nobel ones.

Now coming back to our core discussion, those who have 'respect' for some subject (say soccer or science) will realize the 'value' of it. and once he/she has a value on something he/she should pick his 'interests' out of those and will have to chase the most interesting options. those who study their subjects, not 'just' for CGPA or for passing an exam and those who work not 'just' for their payslip will make a difference. One should notice that these days being knowledgeful is not enough, its all about abilities. according to me skill=='knowledge in action'. india, the  youngest country in the world today produces millions of graduates per year. unfortunately there is a enormous number of youngsters suffering with umemployment. my message for them is studying 'just' for the sake of marks and degree is simply disrespecting today's education. we know there are many huge flaws in india's education system, i know four years of your life span is just wasted. but the question is "does it stops you?"

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